
Varying WordPress Development Environment

Date: Friday, July 15, 2016
Time: 11:30 - 12:15 pm (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Location: Room A221
Format: General Lecture Session

Session description

A local development server has become essential to working with WordPress. There are many different options for users such as MAMP/WAMP, Vagrant/VVV, Homestead, Docker, etc.

Over the last year while working on the Web Development team at Lorain County Community College, I have found Vagrant or VVV (Varying Vagrant Vagrants) is a streamlined tool that allows us to rapidly build development environments on both Mac and Windows. I will be discussing how Vagrant can aid you in streamlining your local development environment process.

In addition, I will be demonstrating how to install Vagrant and what tools can be used to quickly generate your local web development environment for your specific project. So bring your computers and questions so that by the end of session I hope you will walk away with a local development environment you can leverage to accelerate your WordPress projects.


David Brattoli

Headshot of David Brattoli

David Brattoli has worked in higher education for the past 3 years. Along with this experience he has been running his own web and graphic design company “Infinite Reality LLC” since 2007. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Bluffton University and associate degrees in graphic and web design and gaming and simulation design from Lorain County Community College. He is also self-taught in a host of different coding languages and has integrated my mathematics, graphic and web design skills to accomplish whatever web design tasks he needs to solve. Utilizing this knowledge allowed him to give clients a powerful and unique set of websites for industry, government education, and learning environments.


  • General Lecture Session: Varying WordPress Development Environment