
We Don’t Need No Education: Web Governance Through On-Demand Online Training

Date: Saturday, July 16, 2016
Time: 11:15 - 12:00 pm (EDT) (UTC-04:00)
Location: Room B226
Format: General Lecture Session

Session description

One of the biggest web problems we have in higher education is the number of cooks in the kitchen. We’ve got SMEs and HIPPOs and the immeasurable plethora of “non web” people making changes to web content throughout the institution. Since there are as many ways to do things as there are people to do them, it all comes out a big mess over time.

All the content strategies, web governance plans and communications policies in the world won’t help if people in the trenches (and often their bosses) don’t understand what’s expected, why, and how exactly they can accomplish their goals. Enter training.

In this presentation, I’ll talk about our content strategy journey, the redevelopment of a brand new .edu website, and how we used this process to both make the case for mandatory training and develop training beyond and including using WordPress. I’ll even make available lesson plans, scripts and talk about the actual tools and plugins used for development of the on-demand delivery system (built in WordPress) and content.


Shelley Keith

Headshot of Shelley Keith
Director of Digital Communications, University of Mary Washington

Shelley Keith has been building websites long enough to remember when Angelfire was rad and the capitalization of HoTMaiL was clever. She's survived the Dot Bomb, the advent of the "blog" and the days when every small business client was sure they could clone eBay, only just for Beanie Babies (or car parts, or Magic cards or whatever), and make a MINT. A mint I say. She launched WPMU as the university CMS in 2009 as manager of web communications and marketing at Southern Arkansas University before moving into her current role as director of digital communications for the WordPress entrenched University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Keith has a bachelor of business administration from Southern Arkansas University, a master of science in information quality from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and is a 2013 graduate of the HighEdWeb Leadership Academy.


  • General Lecture Session: We Don’t Need No Education: Web Governance Through On-Demand Online Training